Saturday, August 29, 2020

Published: How the British-American Project Selects Its Members

I published “How the British-American Project Selects Its Members” on @Medium

What Beginner Mountaineers Need to Know About Crampons


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Published: How Do Impact Investments Perform Financially?

I published “How Do Impact Investments Perform Financially?” on @Medium

How You Can Become a Speaker with YPO and Inspire Young Leaders

 Robert “Bo” Parfet is the founder of Denali Venture Philanthropy, an impact investing firm that funds entrepreneurs with the intention to generate measurable positive social or environmental impact alongside financial return.. Based in Boulder, a city just outside of Denver, Colorado, Robert “Bo” Parfet stays active in his local and national communities. One organization that he is involved with is the Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO), which provides support to dynamic business leaders.

YPO actively recruits speakers from its membership base (and outside experts) who can inspire new generations of leaders. Speakers can talk about a variety of topics, from business growth and innovation to personal development. In addition, speakers tackle often more personalized topics like succession planning in family businesses and strengthening familial relationships.

To become a speaker, individuals must first read through Engage and Inspire, a speaking guide published by the organization that outlines its particular culture and values. Next, they need to make videos of themselves describing the unique perspectives they can give to members. Potential speakers must also fill out profiles for the YPO Resource Directory, which is how they get connected to audiences. More information about the process is available at

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Published: The Explorers Club Hosts World’s Largest Virtual Dive

I published “The Explorers Club Hosts World’s Largest Virtual Dive” on @Medium